Random Thoughts. Happiness. Excitement. Daily Excursions. Poetry. Quotes. Personal Stuff. My Feelings. Opinions. Frustrations. Rants. Raves. Anything On My Mind. Rambling. Rambling. Rambling...
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
i always say dat i know wat am i doing tapi betol ke aku tau!?
bunyi mcm seyes je
sbnarnyer idak la sgt pun
slalu jer jadi bende nih
hana slalu rase hn berada ni situasi
'the potential on being d other women'
nak ckp kronik idak la pun
since most of the time i realized it in d very beginning
at the initial stage
at the age of 25 (almost 26 in few more mths)
it makes me wonder
sampai bile
sampai bile aku nak lari
on each time when i realize there is potential on me being the other women
i run
i ran
im running
kalo d other party tu someone else's husband
harus la aku lari kan!?
wat if, he is not
not a husband
but someene else's man
or boyfriend
sud i snatch him
bukan la nk ckp aku ni baik sgt pun
it just that ive seen d damaged done
so as a senses human with two legged and alive
aku tercongak2 la jugak
seboleh mungkin mintak la dijauhkan sgt2
but, d guy seems so promising
he's not prefect
but he do have d quality dat im looking into for my other half
esen ini kedengaran sgt mushy mushy
mesti aku malu nk bace blk dikemudian hari
it just make me thinking
arent i suppose to fight for love
to fight for my happines
was it appropriate to hurt other's women heart in order to let me hepi
ok rase awkward da
i do sense something fishy
in d way he look@me
hana bukan stakat perasan ok
seram ok
he dont even know d other side of me
u wont like me if u do
ya Allah tentukan yg terbaik utk hana
p/s:kalo cam gini gayanyer
betol la kot x kawen aku nih
nak anak wei~~!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
pagi2 sampai ofis da plan cantek punyer
ari ni nak settle paper utk miting
bwk kuar sume fail n docs
tibe2 teringat
alamak lupe nk cek email
bukak la email
respond sane respond sini
nampak pulak si aziz lalu dpn bilik
aziz:wei, ko da tgk paper
me:cite ape?
aziz:ala pasal tut(disclosed heheh..)
me:kat ne?
aziz:ade kat utusan.cube surf(msk bilik terus duduk)
terus surf
ting tong ting tong dgn ajis
borak sane borak sini
en rashid pun lalu
aziz:eh en rashid!!
aziz settle2 hal die
terus teringat
'alamak!lupe nk antar memo kat ompd'
*ompd=IT/teknikal unit
buat2 memo
g antar kat ompd
terserempak dgn bos
terus panggil msk bilik ajak diskusi
tong tang tong tang
lunch hour sampai
solat toilet
pas lunch hour dpt fon kol
settle sane settle sini
duduk kat meja balik
nampak segala fail+docs utk buat paper miting
waaaaaa......aku x sentuh satu pun lagi
terus terpikir ADD
pegi wat blog lak
uish...giler aku nih
balik lambat la jwbnyer
ari ni nak settle paper utk miting
bwk kuar sume fail n docs
tibe2 teringat
alamak lupe nk cek email
bukak la email
respond sane respond sini
nampak pulak si aziz lalu dpn bilik
aziz:wei, ko da tgk paper
me:cite ape?
aziz:ala pasal tut(disclosed heheh..)
me:kat ne?
aziz:ade kat utusan.cube surf(msk bilik terus duduk)
terus surf
ting tong ting tong dgn ajis
borak sane borak sini
en rashid pun lalu
aziz:eh en rashid!!
aziz settle2 hal die
terus teringat
'alamak!lupe nk antar memo kat ompd'
*ompd=IT/teknikal unit
buat2 memo
g antar kat ompd
terserempak dgn bos
terus panggil msk bilik ajak diskusi
tong tang tong tang
lunch hour sampai
solat toilet
pas lunch hour dpt fon kol
settle sane settle sini
duduk kat meja balik
nampak segala fail+docs utk buat paper miting
waaaaaa......aku x sentuh satu pun lagi
terus terpikir ADD
pegi wat blog lak
uish...giler aku nih
balik lambat la jwbnyer
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
i wanna be nothing and be happy
pagi2 lagi aku da rase miserable
terok betol
niat di hati nk pose.ari nih isyrak mikraj
set alarm nk bangun sahur...haram...
pukul 7 sudahnyer aku bangun
sampai ofis pun ngam2 sipi nk 830
tu kire mujur le jln x jam
pastu torturediri dgr lagu2 terseksa
adoi la
ni la msk nxt phase for 2009
aku ni kalo ikutkn tahun da consider 27 la
even by birthdate am not even 26 yet
mungkin la aku ni tua sorg2 dgn kuceng 2, 3 ekor di sebuah apartment di pinggir kota
terok sgt da pemikiran aku nih
nak anak wei!!!!!
Truth be told I tried my best
But somewhere long the way
I got caught up in all there was to offer
But the cost was so much more than I could bear
Though I've tried I've fallen
I have sunk so low
I messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here and
Tell me I told you so
pagi2 lagi aku da rase miserable
terok betol
niat di hati nk pose.ari nih isyrak mikraj
set alarm nk bangun sahur...haram...
pukul 7 sudahnyer aku bangun
sampai ofis pun ngam2 sipi nk 830
tu kire mujur le jln x jam
pastu torturediri dgr lagu2 terseksa
adoi la
ni la msk nxt phase for 2009
aku ni kalo ikutkn tahun da consider 27 la
even by birthdate am not even 26 yet
mungkin la aku ni tua sorg2 dgn kuceng 2, 3 ekor di sebuah apartment di pinggir kota
terok sgt da pemikiran aku nih
nak anak wei!!!!!
Truth be told I tried my best
But somewhere long the way
I got caught up in all there was to offer
But the cost was so much more than I could bear
Though I've tried I've fallen
I have sunk so low
I messed up
Better I should know
So don't come round here and
Tell me I told you so
Thursday, July 16, 2009
jangan ngata aku x bersyukur...cuma kalau2 bley mintak lebey
kalo aku kaye raye, bekerja hanya mengisi masa lapang
sungguh aku mahu ini beg
meruntun2 hati ini ok
tp coach ok
idak la aku termampu
baru2 kuar nih lg2 la tambah mahal nyer
bukan satu ni je ade lagi
aku nak warne kuning tuh.tp hijau tu pun cantek jugak
pilih la warna apa2 pun
nine west nih
RM195 exckuding shipping
uish...idak la aku mampu
ade lagik satu
yg ini below RM40 jer
taiwan mari
xde jenama2 ok
kalo ade brand pun, brand kokak
tak pun ayam ke belalang ker
tgk gambar beg tuh pun tau
bley die lapik atas suratkabar ke magazine ke hape
terok betol promotion
tp cantek gak per
cumer perlu pertimbangan yg serius since ni beg utk jln2 nih
x bley pun aku nk bwk msk opis
mcm membazir la pulak
x bley bwk opis tunjuk riak sama kawan2
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
a BIG prezzie
hari kemalasan sedunia
am not sick wif my job
but the people itself sickening me
x kesah la
pape la
kat mana2 orgztn pun ade kesah mcm ni
kat bank dulu pun ade
ade yg lagik dasyat
for this tiny small matter ni
i can handle it
no hal punye
ooo...i read my jurnal back
this particular post made me laugh
da bg diri sendri adiah pun
since am not furthering my master (yet)
so i gave myself a big present
its a brand new car!!!!
next time i will upload the picture
not anything dat lavish
im just proud dat it was my own
p/s:pergh.....ni baru keta
dapat anak nanti x tau la aku obses mcm mane
hari kemalasan sedunia
am not sick wif my job
but the people itself sickening me
x kesah la
pape la
kat mana2 orgztn pun ade kesah mcm ni
kat bank dulu pun ade
ade yg lagik dasyat
for this tiny small matter ni
i can handle it
no hal punye
ooo...i read my jurnal back
this particular post made me laugh
da bg diri sendri adiah pun
since am not furthering my master (yet)
so i gave myself a big present
its a brand new car!!!!
next time i will upload the picture
not anything dat lavish
im just proud dat it was my own
p/s:pergh.....ni baru keta
dapat anak nanti x tau la aku obses mcm mane
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