Anyhoo, to justify myself mmg aku tgk twilight dolu kat cinema. Dan mesti aku tgk jgk new moon nih. Mmg aku cam muka pelakon2nyer pun. But it doesn’t meaning aku suke kat dema. Maybe sbb aku bace all 4 books. So its kind a spoiler da utk aku yg da tau ape jd kat dorg tuh. Senang ckp, saje..entertainment utk aku kutuk kutuk ngata ngata pelakon2 tuh. Btw, nak tau full story aku bley crite kat korg. Ui think I can stil remember d whole 4 books’s storyline vividly. Of course le kena byr. No such thing as free lunch eh in this world.
coming to end 2009 has no meanings for me. i would very much like to review my resolutions last year and make a KPI out of it but that doesn't matter anymore. i probably am screwed up than 2008, and MORALLY BANKRUPT.
so next year, i am taking a different approach. i will have no goals. except my tradition of losing weight. gain,lose,gain,lose,WHATEVER!as long as i fit into my jeans.
however i am increasing my travel, and any kind of travel will take into account. let see. places i've been in 09 was kluang, jb, Cameron highland, kota tinggi, k.t’ganu, dungun, kemaman, genting, langkawi, kedah, kapas, fraser, penang, Melaka, pd, bandung, seremban, Melaka lagi, pd lagi, seremban lagi, kemaman lagi, dungun balik, kluang lagi, pd lagi, seremban lagi, pangkor, lumut, seremban lagi, Melaka lagi (hurm…I mite end up living at pd seremban or Melaka kot mcm nih)
so 2010 would pretty much include pd, Melaka, seremban (these 3 confirm mesti dlm list), shah alam, Thailand, London, Scotland, s’pore, sabah, brussel, emeriyah arab bersatu, morocco, Dublin, Babylon, cyberjaya, parcel c, parcel d-z, dubai,helsinki,and taman equine. money is not an issue. my astrologers said that i will be rich next year and so i believe them CAUSE IT MAKES ME HAPPY TO THINK THAT I'M RICH.
as this post has no title, i will also end this entry with no meanings whatsoever and could be the least of your concern very abruptly.
i dont love mondays btw
aku x penah nk tgk twilight selama nie..apatah lagi nk baca buku dier..tapi since smlm..ada je manusia2 cakap2 psl citer nie..dari kat umah sewa aku sampai ke sangat ke hana??
about the entry regarding the travel..hurm..mcm menarik ati je...walau la aku ni nk kawen n supposely simpan duit utk kawen...aku pedulik hapa kan...sbb aku pun percaya aku akan kaya tahun depan..wakakkakaka!!
anyway..sila la training utk panjat gunung ye..aku tunggu korang kat bawah je...:)
x best..
aku nasehatkn jgn kalo ko takut digelar ketinggalan zaman n x mengikot arus perubahan, tgk la.
vampire season kan skrg.layan je la.
as usual d books was way much better than d movie. but yes they did managed to came out as wat d author potrait in her book.gloomy nye town tu, putih pucat vampire, kaya so wat not. tp tang pretty tu aku x nak komen. bende subjektif kan~
btw,aku lenjan gym dkt skrg.jamu mata tgk abg badan ketaq2.miahahahaha ;p
btw, nak spoiler tak? tak..?tak..?
nak tau yg utk new moon ke
eclipse ke breaking dawn
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