kadang2 subconsciously aku x sengaja ske menjwb or member ayat sarcastic to others
sometimes, I can almost hear the gears grinding in other’s head, as the noggin computer spits out the rather obvious calculation: “Must… reevaluate… farhana.”
Sori la..aku x sengaja
Random Thoughts. Happiness. Excitement. Daily Excursions. Poetry. Quotes. Personal Stuff. My Feelings. Opinions. Frustrations. Rants. Raves. Anything On My Mind. Rambling. Rambling. Rambling...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
i am no fun anymore
Seems like i lost my sense of humor. In conversations hilang apatah lagi in writing.
Waah...i am no fun at all
I had all d time in d world last looong wiken. And all i did was eat.ate.eating and........oooh...eating.
Then im complaining about getting fat.not anything thin.thinner or......slim.
Aaargh......i hate myself
Pastu aku tortured my mind thinking about so many things.
1. Ade la jugak baiknya im not being selected for the DPA on dis coming march. Sanggup sgt ke aku nk mengadap 30minggu tu sedangkan br je rase torture 2 hari satu mlm penangan kinabalu.golek2 bwk senapang, lari2 bwk hos bomba, kayak sg perak pusing satu pangkor, ngendong tong gas.uish...lupakan.azam aku since lps trn ari tu xnk buat any physical xtvts utk 2 bln. So kalo aku g DPA bln mac x ckp la 2 bln puasa aku.he3
2. As the result plg awal aku DPA pn around oct which mean harapan aku nak kawin akhir thn ni agak pudar.so x tau lagi la akhir thn kat tahun yg manenye aku ni akan kawin
3. Mental checked my to do list since written nye xde kat dpn mata. Quiet a number jgk da bley ticked. Still d most crucial one xde nmpk byg lagi akan setled buat masa ni
4. So aku buat pros n cons ape jd in case ade la benda2 tu yg x ber-tick
a) In case aku x kawin2 lagi by d age of 35 mayb i sud consider adoption.i was thinking tahap toleransi aku skrg kat mane so it might be i would ended up marrying any tom dick or harry whom i think can be a gud father to my kid(s) rather than being swept away by d idea of love. Besides, love wont put d food on the table.
b) Still in case i got lucky n got married by then i need to reassess my current job. Sampai tahap mana aras toleransi aku utk buat keje ni. Its not a bad thing, really. Utk 2 thn ni pun da ajar aku byk bende. I just not very sure whether it is really a job dat i would like to do for the rest of my working life. Org kg ckp i havent found my niche n my passion yet.
c) I need to do somthng about things yg sepatutnya aku da bley tick but i didnt sbb aku berada di situasi yg sipi2 je lagi nk jd (then i know not everything is under my control)
5. I should stop hurting people unnecessarily esp when i know they are being nice with me with a good faith. I do not want get srike by lighting.
6. Ade satu bende aku nk tambah kat to do list tu and i plan to do it within this year insyaallah b4 oct incase aku kena g DPA lak nanti.so i should start my survey right away .
7. I need reassess my mgt on financial thingy
Tgk, aku bc ayat aku kat atas ni pun aku da rasa bosan.wallawei, i am no fun anymore
i like this pic.seems like every fiber being are having fun
p/s:nak kucing~
Waah...i am no fun at all
I had all d time in d world last looong wiken. And all i did was eat.ate.eating and........oooh...eating.
Then im complaining about getting fat.not anything thin.thinner or......slim.
Aaargh......i hate myself
Pastu aku tortured my mind thinking about so many things.
1. Ade la jugak baiknya im not being selected for the DPA on dis coming march. Sanggup sgt ke aku nk mengadap 30minggu tu sedangkan br je rase torture 2 hari satu mlm penangan kinabalu.golek2 bwk senapang, lari2 bwk hos bomba, kayak sg perak pusing satu pangkor, ngendong tong gas.uish...lupakan.azam aku since lps trn ari tu xnk buat any physical xtvts utk 2 bln. So kalo aku g DPA bln mac x ckp la 2 bln puasa aku.he3
2. As the result plg awal aku DPA pn around oct which mean harapan aku nak kawin akhir thn ni agak pudar.so x tau lagi la akhir thn kat tahun yg manenye aku ni akan kawin
3. Mental checked my to do list since written nye xde kat dpn mata. Quiet a number jgk da bley ticked. Still d most crucial one xde nmpk byg lagi akan setled buat masa ni
4. So aku buat pros n cons ape jd in case ade la benda2 tu yg x ber-tick
a) In case aku x kawin2 lagi by d age of 35 mayb i sud consider adoption.i was thinking tahap toleransi aku skrg kat mane so it might be i would ended up marrying any tom dick or harry whom i think can be a gud father to my kid(s) rather than being swept away by d idea of love. Besides, love wont put d food on the table.
b) Still in case i got lucky n got married by then i need to reassess my current job. Sampai tahap mana aras toleransi aku utk buat keje ni. Its not a bad thing, really. Utk 2 thn ni pun da ajar aku byk bende. I just not very sure whether it is really a job dat i would like to do for the rest of my working life. Org kg ckp i havent found my niche n my passion yet.
c) I need to do somthng about things yg sepatutnya aku da bley tick but i didnt sbb aku berada di situasi yg sipi2 je lagi nk jd (then i know not everything is under my control)
5. I should stop hurting people unnecessarily esp when i know they are being nice with me with a good faith. I do not want get srike by lighting.
6. Ade satu bende aku nk tambah kat to do list tu and i plan to do it within this year insyaallah b4 oct incase aku kena g DPA lak nanti.so i should start my survey right away .
7. I need reassess my mgt on financial thingy
Tgk, aku bc ayat aku kat atas ni pun aku da rasa bosan.wallawei, i am no fun anymore
i like this pic.seems like every fiber being are having fun
p/s:nak kucing~
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Several things yang menyebabkan aku mentally stressed lately:
1. I hate my jello body. I still think that my rolls of fat have been shufflin from parts to parts of my body but tak penah nak shuffle keluar dari badan aku? tsk.
ok, aku tau org ckp that i look ok, but kau tak nampak image yang aku nampak dalam cermin hari-hari. kalau aku cat satu badan kaler kuning, i can totally be that portable dehumidifier punya mascot.
if you don't know what i mean, IT'S THAT YELLOW GUY damn it.
2. budi.my car. last time kat bumper belah kiri yang aku x tau haram jadah bl jdnyer.
this time belah kanan pulak ade motor bangang dgn ambulan st john bodoh buat komplot against me. Eloknyer aku bump bg accident kaw2 biar itu ambulan rasa bersalah nk mampus punye x faham konsep bg org lain accident sbb die (btw,to justify myself ambulan tu bkn nenon2 nk g ambik org sakit ke ape eh.die saje nk visit ade la satu tempat tu mase buat ade la satu ceremony tu.karang aku ckp kang kata aku racist plak)
Latest scoreboard
World: 2
Hana: Zero.
i am terribly, terribly, terribly sorry that 4 wheels, oh my God i think half of my heart is slowly decaying when i think of my car, aku sedih tau. Nak antar cat bley masa weekdays je which means berzaman lagi sbb aku x berani nk cuti dlm masa terdekat nih
btw, itu motor x berenti pecut laju2 buat bangang so aku jerit sorg2 dlm keta mcm org giler
3. again. the fact that nasi ialah musuh utama. dan fries. serta nasi himpit. and ketupat. anything starchy.
oh well. bontot dah besar afrika sila salahkan diri sendiri aje.
4. this coming 30th march wud be my 2nd anniversary for my current job. I still don't have any clue of why d heck im doing this job,small pay.negative perception from others.emotional roller coaster.
i wish im being paid to be a housewife if none of this is working.
5. Jennifer connelly sangat hot. aku jeles.
6. Had the best trip of my life.i wish i could give up my life and just stay that way
Hari2 di uk, rasanya mcm pegi bulan(idak la bermaksud aku pernah sampai bulan tu). Ia seperti percutian yang panjang. Segalanya kelihatan sempurna dan cantik belaka. Pemandangannya indah. Udaranya sejuk nyaman. Penduduknya baik dan ramah. Warga tuanya berjalan bertongkat sambil berpimpin tangan sesama pasangan. Kaum lelakinya memberikan laluan dan membuka pintu untuk kaum perempuan.
G Sabah plak, i learned about value of my life. And, jgn simply mark org macam2 kalo ko x kenal pun die sgt.ade a few person yg aku rasa bersalah sbb ade misconception twds them.they are actually a nice people. I would love to love them btw.
Updated on- quarter of millionth things that annoys me nowadays:
7. I still haven’t met anyone who can actually saves me from the dating world full of hopeless nutjobs who are after uhm-you-know.
1. I hate my jello body. I still think that my rolls of fat have been shufflin from parts to parts of my body but tak penah nak shuffle keluar dari badan aku? tsk.
ok, aku tau org ckp that i look ok, but kau tak nampak image yang aku nampak dalam cermin hari-hari. kalau aku cat satu badan kaler kuning, i can totally be that portable dehumidifier punya mascot.
if you don't know what i mean, IT'S THAT YELLOW GUY damn it.
2. budi.my car. last time kat bumper belah kiri yang aku x tau haram jadah bl jdnyer.
this time belah kanan pulak ade motor bangang dgn ambulan st john bodoh buat komplot against me. Eloknyer aku bump bg accident kaw2 biar itu ambulan rasa bersalah nk mampus punye x faham konsep bg org lain accident sbb die (btw,to justify myself ambulan tu bkn nenon2 nk g ambik org sakit ke ape eh.die saje nk visit ade la satu tempat tu mase buat ade la satu ceremony tu.karang aku ckp kang kata aku racist plak)
Latest scoreboard
World: 2
Hana: Zero.
i am terribly, terribly, terribly sorry that 4 wheels, oh my God i think half of my heart is slowly decaying when i think of my car, aku sedih tau. Nak antar cat bley masa weekdays je which means berzaman lagi sbb aku x berani nk cuti dlm masa terdekat nih
btw, itu motor x berenti pecut laju2 buat bangang so aku jerit sorg2 dlm keta mcm org giler
3. again. the fact that nasi ialah musuh utama. dan fries. serta nasi himpit. and ketupat. anything starchy.
oh well. bontot dah besar afrika sila salahkan diri sendiri aje.
4. this coming 30th march wud be my 2nd anniversary for my current job. I still don't have any clue of why d heck im doing this job,small pay.negative perception from others.emotional roller coaster.
i wish im being paid to be a housewife if none of this is working.
5. Jennifer connelly sangat hot. aku jeles.
6. Had the best trip of my life.i wish i could give up my life and just stay that way
Hari2 di uk, rasanya mcm pegi bulan(idak la bermaksud aku pernah sampai bulan tu). Ia seperti percutian yang panjang. Segalanya kelihatan sempurna dan cantik belaka. Pemandangannya indah. Udaranya sejuk nyaman. Penduduknya baik dan ramah. Warga tuanya berjalan bertongkat sambil berpimpin tangan sesama pasangan. Kaum lelakinya memberikan laluan dan membuka pintu untuk kaum perempuan.
G Sabah plak, i learned about value of my life. And, jgn simply mark org macam2 kalo ko x kenal pun die sgt.ade a few person yg aku rasa bersalah sbb ade misconception twds them.they are actually a nice people. I would love to love them btw.
Updated on- quarter of millionth things that annoys me nowadays:
7. I still haven’t met anyone who can actually saves me from the dating world full of hopeless nutjobs who are after uhm-you-know.
Monday, February 15, 2010
cuba menegakkan benang yang basah
person1: “If we let him in, do you think his life would change?”
person2: “I’m just saying to give him a small opportunity. Just a small one!”
person1: “Opportunities aren’t given, they’re something you make for yourself.”
person2: “he has no chance to make opportunities!”
person1: “Then he shouldn’t have lived like that!”
person2: “I’m just saying to give him a small opportunity. Just a small one!”
person1: “Opportunities aren’t given, they’re something you make for yourself.”
person2: “he has no chance to make opportunities!”
person1: “Then he shouldn’t have lived like that!”
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
someone got into accident~
nanti la
aku malas lagi nk menghadap d chasing game
aku tepon tanya kabar da cukup bagus
aku malas lagi nk menghadap d chasing game
aku tepon tanya kabar da cukup bagus
Monday, February 08, 2010
keje banyak mcm gampang!!
nenek aku cakap
"Take it easy. Don't work too much. Nobody notices anyway."
"Take it easy. Don't work too much. Nobody notices anyway."
i think you are an imbecile
Friday, February 05, 2010
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
i should value my life more than anything
even higher than any highest mountain
determinism holds that every event, including human cognition, decision and action are causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. meaning one event must lead to another event.
It holds that no random, spontaneous, mysterious, or miraculous events occur. Events are deemed spontaneous only because we have an incomplete knowledge of what is happening.
if i were to hold true to this, which i am, then free-will does not exist.
but then, when clock is alarming.any amount of determination cant makes my body moves
dont u ever underestimate your life's value farhana!!
determinism holds that every event, including human cognition, decision and action are causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. meaning one event must lead to another event.
It holds that no random, spontaneous, mysterious, or miraculous events occur. Events are deemed spontaneous only because we have an incomplete knowledge of what is happening.
if i were to hold true to this, which i am, then free-will does not exist.
but then, when clock is alarming.any amount of determination cant makes my body moves
dont u ever underestimate your life's value farhana!!
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