1. I hate my jello body. I still think that my rolls of fat have been shufflin from parts to parts of my body but tak penah nak shuffle keluar dari badan aku? tsk.
ok, aku tau org ckp that i look ok, but kau tak nampak image yang aku nampak dalam cermin hari-hari. kalau aku cat satu badan kaler kuning, i can totally be that portable dehumidifier punya mascot.
if you don't know what i mean, IT'S THAT YELLOW GUY damn it.
2. budi.my car. last time kat bumper belah kiri yang aku x tau haram jadah bl jdnyer.
this time belah kanan pulak ade motor bangang dgn ambulan st john bodoh buat komplot against me. Eloknyer aku bump bg accident kaw2 biar itu ambulan rasa bersalah nk mampus punye x faham konsep bg org lain accident sbb die (btw,to justify myself ambulan tu bkn nenon2 nk g ambik org sakit ke ape eh.die saje nk visit ade la satu tempat tu mase buat ade la satu ceremony tu.karang aku ckp kang kata aku racist plak)
Latest scoreboard
World: 2
Hana: Zero.
i am terribly, terribly, terribly sorry that 4 wheels, oh my God i think half of my heart is slowly decaying when i think of my car, aku sedih tau. Nak antar cat bley masa weekdays je which means berzaman lagi sbb aku x berani nk cuti dlm masa terdekat nih
btw, itu motor x berenti pecut laju2 buat bangang so aku jerit sorg2 dlm keta mcm org giler
3. again. the fact that nasi ialah musuh utama. dan fries. serta nasi himpit. and ketupat. anything starchy.
oh well. bontot dah besar afrika sila salahkan diri sendiri aje.
4. this coming 30th march wud be my 2nd anniversary for my current job. I still don't have any clue of why d heck im doing this job,small pay.negative perception from others.emotional roller coaster.
i wish im being paid to be a housewife if none of this is working.
5. Jennifer connelly sangat hot. aku jeles.
6. Had the best trip of my life.i wish i could give up my life and just stay that way
Hari2 di uk, rasanya mcm pegi bulan(idak la bermaksud aku pernah sampai bulan tu). Ia seperti percutian yang panjang. Segalanya kelihatan sempurna dan cantik belaka. Pemandangannya indah. Udaranya sejuk nyaman. Penduduknya baik dan ramah. Warga tuanya berjalan bertongkat sambil berpimpin tangan sesama pasangan. Kaum lelakinya memberikan laluan dan membuka pintu untuk kaum perempuan.
G Sabah plak, i learned about value of my life. And, jgn simply mark org macam2 kalo ko x kenal pun die sgt.ade a few person yg aku rasa bersalah sbb ade misconception twds them.they are actually a nice people. I would love to love them btw.
Updated on- quarter of millionth things that annoys me nowadays:
7. I still haven’t met anyone who can actually saves me from the dating world full of hopeless nutjobs who are after uhm-you-know.
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