I falling for this guy
Mati la aku....
Taklarat la nak jiwang-jiwang
Its a taboo topic
Still, people never stop talking about this
Why ar!?guys that fall for me kan, hana x ske
And guys that i like didnt like me back
Funny hah
This is the second guy that i fallin into (3rd if included my obsession.eheh..klakar kalo ingtkn blk)
Tried few times to be in a relationship with other guys
But failed
Being me the reason that it cant be worked out
Ngaku je la
The first guy, if i considered by his look
Totally out from wat i look into a guy
Education..hmmm honestly, i am way better than him
Financiallyyoo...die anak kepada bapak yg kaye raye
Masa tu first time suke kat a guygave me a big impact indeed
It took me years to get over the first guy
And the ‘now’
Wat sud i say.....
Totally out of my league
It is not that i am better than him
But i believe he is soo~~ much better than me
Got both look and brain ):
Dah jadi stalker aku ni tau
I did make the 1st step...last year
And i concluded it as a failure
Juga x punye kekuatan dan keberanian nak mencuba lebih jauh
Tapi x sudah2 ‘menjejaki’ manusia nih
I barely knew him
Based on wat i knew, i really really thought that he got such a great persona
Someone nice...at least nicer than me eheh...
Tak larat la
Tak ske mengidam bende yang rasa x confident bley dapat
Since i hardly get wat i want
Mungkin sbb since dh grad nih
Try to find something as a target
Dl masa blajar target nk grad first class
Which i failed
Frust x sudah sampai nekad xnak attend convo
Luckily masa tu ada perkara yg lebih menarik than attending my convo day
Still, terasa jgk kesedihannye bile teringt2 wat i have been thru to complete my degree tu
Enuf said
Tak larat dah nak sedey2 sbb bende tu
I believe each person have they own portion
Percaya dgn janji2 Allah
Skrg....terpaksa cari target baru..
Hohoho....i am so~ bad in ‘relationship thing’
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