Monday, April 29, 2013


sakit kepala

Monday, April 22, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

alhamdulillah.there is always reason(s) to thank Allah.Insyaallah more reason(s) to come.
masa ambil result SPM, i can hardly remember how i felt.
i think, i was nervous. how nervous i was, i cant remember it now.

then, i remember that i dont really gave that much thought on university's admission/enrollment
in the other words, i was confident that i will managed to get a place in university
same goes during my degree (i went for diploma first)

once i finished my degree, i did made efforts to look for a job. i mean, its not like i landed a job just like that. but i believe deep inside that i have a 'not so bad' i did landed a job. in fact, i have the luxury to have options at that moment.

today.for a long long time.from what i can/could remember. i feel nervous.anxious.nak pitam.nak pengsan.literally cant sleep at night.waiting for a result.

ya Allah.sungguh hana mahukan ia.tapi kalau ditakdirkan tiada rezekiku, moga hati hana redha.tidak kecewa.moga hana percaya ada yang lebih baik untuk ku.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

rasa apakah ini..?oh

bismillahirrahmanirahim..moga2 ada peluang dan rezeki itu

Monday, April 15, 2013

perasaan yg tak tau nak rasa apa.

when u want smthg real bad but need to keep the 'Allah knows best' attitude

Thursday, April 04, 2013

tau tak perasaan malas/tak kuasa nak layan sebab semua orang pun lepas tangan

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Dissolution of parliament

its official!!
parliament has been disband. the current administrative is a Caretaker Government.
this is not something new or unusual. it just the fact that previous elections has been considered as 'strong' but this time, it is full with uncertainties.

so, everything has been decided will be proceed in terms of implementation until a new government be formed. no new policies allowed.

regardless of party that will win, i will still need to serve the government-of-the-day. good luck and pray for a better Malaysia.Insyaallah

that feeling when your bank account keep shrinking

however, alhamdulillah..selesai satu hutang :))

Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Urban Dictionary's definition of the Hopeless Romantic:
"This person is in love with love. They believe in fairy tales and love. All hopeless romantics are idealists, the sentimental dreamers, the imaginative and the fanciful. They often live with rose colored glasses on"