Tuesday, December 31, 2013

reality strike!!

so i finished watching Reply 1994

as sweet as it may seems.
its drama.drama!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013


dah sudah..
tiap kali break dr buat assignment aku pegi usha ticket nk travel
ape kes kamu ni farhana

berniat nk buat budapest-austria-munich.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

back pain

terrible back pain T-T

Friday, December 13, 2013

no good

1. assignment(s) masih (juga) belum siap. one word. susah. ha3

2. i drank (and still) a looooooott of coffee. i breath like coffee. euwwwww

3. lapar. selalu lapar. lapar. lapar. lapar.

4. tengok gambar ade la dua couple ni. recently got married. sorg pereka fesyen dgn anak menteri. se lagi artis la kononnya. i love the pelamin for the first couple. it look sweet, simple, nice combination of colour but absolutely NOT AFFORDABLE. confirm mahal. haiih..jual organ pun x mampu nk buat wedding mcm tu.

the second couple, as expected, sgt heavy and over the top. i don't like it. even the make up, adoi..seram. tak tgk pun muka pengantin.
even before she became a pengantin, i always couldn't stand to look at her face. kalau nmpk face to face, aku lari kot. smthg off. nmpk tak normal. nampak pelik. aishh..i do not know how to describe this, tp seram la senang cakap.ape pun , happy married life. idak la aku doa kome bercerai berai pulok.

5. this is my 3rd months here. still with in budget. kira lebih kurang 10k for 3months. and thats including masa awal2 sampai nk settle down hari tu. about time utk tansfer suit lagi.duit..duit..tapi manageable. inshallah cukup sampai habis.

6. aku tak suka bdk sblh bilik. suka bwk lelaki. nanti tgh malam mula la aku tiba2 pasang lagu sekuat alam. kadang saje pasang ngaji. satu hari dia ckp/tegur, mcm a bit offended dgr aku pasang ngaji kuat2. rasanya sbb mengaji, bukan lagu. reti pulak ko offended. yg ko bwk jantan main ntah bukan2 bajet aku x offended ke. dah kalau ko boleh dgr aku, tak ke aku pun boleh dgr ko.aihhhh...this girl really annoy me.

7. i will move out from my room after christmas. ada kakak nk balik, so request mintak tukar bilk dia sbb bilik aku kecik.fuhhh...nasib baik

8. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment.

9. sambal sardin letak kentang makan dgn roti puri. rendang kerang. pau kacang merah. mini pizza letak sosej macam kat bakery. nasik ayam. nasik tomato.

10.  assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment. assignment.


am following this drama nowadays. and i am rooting for oppa-ya
sohih depress kalau na jung end up with someone else.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


im tearing up watching this video.
i know.

p/s: i will ask for 5000 pound!

Tuesday, December 03, 2013


1. I'm having problem to put down my idea in writing.
its no fun. at all.

2. and am a less fun person day by day.
sangat tidak menarik.

3. i do have conversations with people daily. tapi, at the surface je.
i miss having real conversations with my people.

4. i love the fact that people simply saying the Salam even to stranger over here. and the smile, especially between women wearing the hijab :))

5. dekat sini, kalau solat dkt prayer room, most of the time mesti akan solat jemaah.style diorg mmg akan simply ask people to join them for jemaah (or even ask you to be the imam). i like that. sebab dkt msia aku tak buat. biar la surau tu penuh mcm mana pun, semua solat sendiri2.

6. am having a hard time. tapi tetap syukur sebab its not as hard as what i used to face when I'm working in msia.

rabbi yassir.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

winter blues

my kind of winter blues; sleep around 8 and wakes up around 2. dah dua minggu mcm ni.i have no problem with the pattern,yg jadi masalah when i tend to get sleepy around 11 dan masa tu dlm kelas.memang terbaik..

apart from the coldness, I'm relatively ok and adapting with the new routine over here.i know I'm a better person since I'm not whining every single day (and sometimes 3,4 times daily), unlike before.though student life is not that easy, I'm really glad that i take a break from my job. and I'm lucky that i did it now rather than earlier

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Wednesday, November 06, 2013


1. in the middle of writing my assignment (s). sensing that someone is going loco sambil khatam drama korea.
damn...i surpassed that stage before.dah tiba2 sangkut balik.its either I'm watching it on streaming.or listening to the ost as writing my assignment (or blog).

2. maybe its november, I'm a bit melancholic

3. feels like crying but do not have a valid reason. so i watch sappy and heart wrenching love story; so i could cry.too afraid to watch family-kind of movie incase it may lead to depression

4. am no fun person at all over here. all the jokes, the witty ones.hilang.i blame my inability to trust people.they are stranger; so i didn't put down my guard around people over here.
yeah..im that kind of person.lambat warm up.cuma sesekali ade la jgk terlepas perangai sebnr.but most of the times; I'm the other me.

5. i do enjoy the alone time over here. i even went to nearby attractions by my own.rather than being with a bad companion, enjoy jgk jalan sendiri. and i enjoying my morning walk the most!!lepas subuh keluar jalan dekat park.but of course it depends on the weather.
but being alone in a foreign city. its kind of lonely.

sighhh.thesis life. i miss everything that I'm familiar with.

p/s: im not very sure what the relations between this post and the article. i just feel like to post it here.


i have done most of it except no 2, 6 and 12. no 8 is out of discussion. and still working on 5, 16, 17, 19 and 20.

Friday, November 01, 2013


I am in Bristol since 21st September 2013.
Alhamdulillah yang dirancang dapat di capai.
Life as a student, is not easy.
As least, not as easy as it used to be.
Mungkin faktor usia.
Atau geografi.
Atau cuaca.

Setakat ni, makan cukup. tidur lebih.
I have enough time over here if i can say
Compare dgn masa keje dl, tak sempat nampak matahari.
tapi kat sini pun selalu je tak nampak matahari; the so called english weather.

Moga tak hilang fokus.
Dan tidak lupa matlamat,

Dalam masa yang sama, this is my break.
Because I hate my previous job (task).

Monday, September 02, 2013

Friday, August 16, 2013

i feel sick
and i need to find the courage.

sakit perut.pening.rasa nak muntah.sejuk
urgh...makin tua makin teruk kelaku nk handle presure/stress

rabbi yasir

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Money by Flying Lizzards

The best things in life are free
but you can give them to the birds and bees.

I want money THAT'S WHAT I WANT

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


nak corneto
dan magnum

tak ketinggalan tutti fruity

Thursday, July 25, 2013

I believe in God and He has a plan for me. When He shuts one door, he opens another. I am trying to use the proper channel. If it didn’t work out, there must be another way.

Others’ decision is not something that I can control. This is what I want.
So I will decide on what I can control. Be it something drastic. Waalahualam

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

as expected

isu cuti.

im going all out.if everything didnt work out, regardsless how hard to swallow,
it must be a good reason for it.

bersangka baik na.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

to do list

1. apply uni - checked.
2. apply sponsor - checked
3. secure a sponsor - checked
4. secure a placement (uni) - checked
5. mohon cuti belajar - first layer settled. still waiting for the second layer approval
6. tibi test - checked (with extra cost and dramatic story)
7. visa - applied (31/7/2013) wait until approval of cuti belajar from second layer
8. flight ticket - make sure settle with visa first (if possible...)
9. SSLN - checked
10. e-vetting - still pending.and waiting.hurmm
11. BTN - checked
12. accommodation!!!!!!! - checked (30/7/2013)
(pending. major headache. everything is expensive at English City. it soooo hard to find a room with in my budget. 400 pound pcm kalau dkt city lain boleh dpt satu rumah 2 bed or 3 bed silap2. keep praying moga2 dapat la the cheapest hall tu.)

so semua yg pending mmg mendebarkan...moga cuti lulus. visa xde isu. dan bilik pun dapat

p/s: im having a second thought pasal budi-the-car. sebab pegi setahun je.tapi tak sampai hati nk susahkan mak. hu3

Monday, July 08, 2013


Tiada yang sempurna di dunia * Terjatuh panjatlah semula * Tetapi apa gunanya * Jika tiada akhirnya
Tercipta seindah-indahnya * Namun kelak akan berubah * Ubah ke arah bahagia * Itu semua di dunia

Aku berhak ‘tuk bermimpi * Mahu kau sertai sekali

Mana oh mana perginya cinta * Masih kau ingatkah * Saat-saat indah * Mana oh mana perginya rasa * Tuk bermesra dan bicara * Nyatakanlah mimpiku engkau dan aku * Ubah demi masa

Lama tak ku terbuka * Lelah lidah ku berkata * Apakah ini hakikatnya * Di pengakhiran cerita

Kita berhak ‘tuk bermimpi * Mahu kau sertai sekali

Nyatakanlah mimpiku engkau dan aku * Ubah demi masa * Nyatakan mimpiku * Ubah demi masa

Friday, July 05, 2013


untuk menyatakan redha dan betul2 menerimanya bukan satu perkara mudah.
i am thissss close, yet sinarnya macam malap.

mulut selalu kata, its 50-50
tapi hati mcm dah yakin sepenuhnya
bila datang ujian.dugaan.mula terkedu

Ya Allah, moga ini hanya satu ujian dari Mu.
Insyaallah, yang terbaik untuk hana

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

change of plan

im in the middle to settling things
moga dipermudahkan, dijauhkan sengketa dan dilembutkan hati2 yang terlibat

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013

alhamdulillah ;))

the longest friday ever...

tak tau berapa kali dah tgk jam.
lama betul masa berjalan hari ni.
hati ckp 'tak kisah la ape pun result nye, i just want to know it TODAY!!'
tapi lepas tu ckp pulak 'kalau tak dapat sure ko frust menonggeng'
under current situation, you have no idea how desperately i want it
dah takde kata. dah takde cara yang terpikir dan terbuat.
we will see..we will see..

bring it on!!

worried sick

i'm experiencing literally the phrase 'worried sick'.
memang sungguh la sampai sakit.
ya Allah.moga aku redha.ape pun keputusannya
(tho i might cry bucketssssss)

Monday, May 27, 2013

dapat.tak dapat.dapat.tak dapat.dapat.

dah kalah gaya budak baru jatuh cinta
as much as i want it, i just want to get over it.
dapat ta dapat dah jadi cerita lain.
dah tak lalu dah sangat.
i just want to get over it!

Monday, May 20, 2013

the perks of being a wallflower

"so i guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. and maybe we'll never know most of them. but even if we don't have the power to.choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. we can still do things and we can try to feel okay about them."

Thursday, May 16, 2013

she is a terrible person

dont worry.
i hate you more

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Blind Side

Michael: It’s mine?
Mrs Tuohy: Yes sir… Why?
Michael: Never had one before.
Mrs Tuohy: What, a room to yourself?
Michael: A bed.
Mrs Tuohy: …(long pause)… Well, you have one now.

Monday, May 13, 2013


I think, im falling in love with Afgan.
Rare.sangat sangat rare.
tapi sumpah suara dia sedap
kat ofis mmg pasang lagu dia je all day (via youtube).
nak cari cd la :))

Bukan Cinta Biasa

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Weepies - World Spins Madly On

Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
I thought of you and where you'd gone
and let the world spin madly on

Everything that I said I'd do
Like make the world brand new
And take the time for you
I just got lost and slept right through the dawn
And the world spins madly on

I let the day go by
I always say goodbye
I watch the stars from my window sill
The whole world is moving and I'm standing still

Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
The night is here and the day is gone
And the world spins madly on

I thought of you and where you'd gone
And the world spins madly on.


Wednesday, May 08, 2013

anekdot madinah

sangat terkesan membaca buku ini. Subhanallah..
sepatutnya dari sekecil-kecil bende/perkara jangan lupa mohon pada Allah.
bought at Pesta Buku pwtc. beli dalam 5 buah je. memang target kalau terjebak pun tak nak beli banyak. banyak lagi buku yang belum terbaca dkt rumah due tu Bid Bad Wolf punye cerita.

I do have a lot of things to complain esp that particular thing but i choose not to. there must be something/bigger thing for me. Allah..Allah..jangan lupa panjatkan doa hana.aturan Allah yang terbaik tapi jangan lupa teruskan berdoa.Amin..amin..

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Monday, April 29, 2013


sakit kepala

Monday, April 22, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

alhamdulillah.there is always reason(s) to thank Allah.Insyaallah more reason(s) to come.
masa ambil result SPM, i can hardly remember how i felt.
i think, i was nervous. how nervous i was, i cant remember it now.

then, i remember that i dont really gave that much thought on university's admission/enrollment
in the other words, i was confident that i will managed to get a place in university
same goes during my degree (i went for diploma first)

once i finished my degree, i did made efforts to look for a job. i mean, its not like i landed a job just like that. but i believe deep inside that i have a 'not so bad' resume.so i did landed a job. in fact, i have the luxury to have options at that moment.

today.for a long long time.from what i can/could remember. i feel nervous.anxious.nak pitam.nak pengsan.literally cant sleep at night.waiting for a result.

ya Allah.sungguh hana mahukan ia.tapi kalau ditakdirkan tiada rezekiku, moga hati hana redha.tidak kecewa.moga hana percaya ada yang lebih baik untuk ku.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

rasa apakah ini..?oh

bismillahirrahmanirahim..moga2 ada peluang dan rezeki itu

Monday, April 15, 2013

perasaan yg tak tau nak rasa apa.

when u want smthg real bad but need to keep the 'Allah knows best' attitude

Thursday, April 04, 2013

tau tak perasaan malas/tak kuasa nak layan sebab semua orang pun lepas tangan

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Dissolution of parliament

its official!!
parliament has been disband. the current administrative is a Caretaker Government.
this is not something new or unusual. it just the fact that previous elections has been considered as 'strong' but this time, it is full with uncertainties.

so, everything has been decided will be proceed in terms of implementation until a new government be formed. no new policies allowed.

regardless of party that will win, i will still need to serve the government-of-the-day. good luck and pray for a better Malaysia.Insyaallah

that feeling when your bank account keep shrinking

however, alhamdulillah..selesai satu hutang :))

Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Urban Dictionary's definition of the Hopeless Romantic:
"This person is in love with love. They believe in fairy tales and love. All hopeless romantics are idealists, the sentimental dreamers, the imaginative and the fanciful. They often live with rose colored glasses on"

Friday, March 22, 2013

lesson learned; nak belajar kena buat full-time.saya tak mampu

ape pun, syukur Alhamdulillah.kira dah lebih dari usaha aku (yg mana sbnrnye tak berusaha pun)

Thursday, March 21, 2013


i have issue with microsoft excel
and open office
and microsoft word.

i'm basically having problems with anything to do with format(ing)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Malaysian believes in the power of 'hand' when they are crossing the road. It is either because;

1. 'We' are too lazy/tired/the-overbrige-is too-far-away/the-crossing-zebra-like million-miles-away.


2. 'We' are that persistant to test the level of our driver's patience (which we are not. Really)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


reading (stalking) a new blog that i found
backpacker busuk

terasa nk travel sorg pulak.(ah..sudah)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


1. The fact that I'm still going here and there due to the job. but all within the country and no overseas assignment at the moment.

2. I have plans. and i'm struggling to make it comes true.

3. I'm getting fat. never been this big whole of my life.

4. Figured out something during my visit to Dungun. though i can say that i'm not that surprise, but i am surprise on the reason (s). 'you' can come and talk to me straight man!!

5. Usaha. Doa. Tawakal.

Monday, February 04, 2013

pemeriksaan pelupusan excavator.
terus google gane la rupa nya

Thursday, January 31, 2013


isu mahram utk umrah


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


am making a commitment.
something big apparently.
at least for me.

moga dipermudahkan.
it is now or never.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I don't know if I picked the circus. But something told me that circus picked me.

sometimes you have to mess with a good thing to make it an even better thing.

Friday, January 11, 2013


post holiday syndrome

1. daya fokus agak out
2. kehilangan ic, lesen, atm kad, mph kad, bumbu desa kad, watson kad, hinode kad dan segala mak nenek kad.
3. kredit kad, starbucks kad dan sephora kad selamat sebab dibawa bersama bercuti
4. dah sebok planning for next vacation sedangkn patutnye bersedia utk umrah this feb.
5. umrah: not my first time.tp this time tak pegi sama mak sebab kalau dgn mak haruslah mak jd penasihat kehormat akan remind segala apa yg perlu sepanjang masa tu.
6. terima hakikat byk bende yg tak dpt diubah since it is out of my control but i insist to make changes regardless it is significant or not.
7. another year older i really hope i get wiser.
8. my writing seems getting serious and sounds no fun anymore.