Friday, November 01, 2013


I am in Bristol since 21st September 2013.
Alhamdulillah yang dirancang dapat di capai.
Life as a student, is not easy.
As least, not as easy as it used to be.
Mungkin faktor usia.
Atau geografi.
Atau cuaca.

Setakat ni, makan cukup. tidur lebih.
I have enough time over here if i can say
Compare dgn masa keje dl, tak sempat nampak matahari.
tapi kat sini pun selalu je tak nampak matahari; the so called english weather.

Moga tak hilang fokus.
Dan tidak lupa matlamat,

Dalam masa yang sama, this is my break.
Because I hate my previous job (task).

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