Wednesday, March 17, 2010

im being dramatic this morning. reason(s) being

1.tgh busy..still, mcm la org lain x bz kan
biarkan aje aku ni~

2.i heard something regarding him.seroiusly, i hate myself for feeling like trying being reasonable over here

a)we always on conflicts over lack of sincere devotion to our 'relationship' (as if we have any..).and its from both parts.masa aku beria die tunjuk hidung belang die.masa die beria i just dont believe in him

b)i despise his inability to work through conflict

so this is it.he will never be someone that i hope he would will never work out with him.why la...budak x semenggah tu jgk yg ko ingat2kn hana ooi...

so i told him

I want you to know that you're the man I want to want but apparently its just not rationale for me to be with you.i want a healthy relatonship.bye

3.i hate it when im feeling tide up with my work.sigh~

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