Sunday, March 06, 2011


1. lost 8kg and i hope still counting (down not up)
2. due to kg's loss, apperantly im getting darker (people keep saying tanner to put it in a nice way)
3. much darker since i went back from wataniah. there will be 2nd part in i dont really give a damn
4. jerawat!!!yang ni x bley blah
5. im impress with myself since im considered as one of those yg x byk songeh dlm batch ni. subhanallah, ramai lagi yg byk songeh dr aku.stakat aku ni, sape2 bley handle la.hi3
6. i keep changing my profesion each week. one week i was an accountant, then economist, another week a lawyer, later tibe2 event planner plak. sigh...jane of all trade. i hope at least im master in one of it.
7. patience is a virtue.really.
8. the approach could be different~

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