Monday, November 28, 2011

dah makin tua makin cepat pulak sentap

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


aku dah agak.
sbb slalu sgt sakit kepala
good thing?bad thing?
yg pasti hari ni I wanna make it a fun day

Sunday, November 20, 2011


You don't choose who or what you love;you know

Tahniah iza on ur wedding.dah seminggu lebih but I consider its done once majlis belah awin pun look fine (in fact gorgeous) on ur day(s)-nikah and kedua2 majlis
As much as I want to see you happy and shows me some good example on marriage life and relationship I hope you do realize that you can always count on me incase there are anything you want to share with somebody but couldn't feels like to share it with your partner.
And I believe you don't have that kind of unrealistic ideas towards marriage like some people of luck friend.Insyaallah have a bless and happy marriage life

Thursday, November 17, 2011

mood x berapa elok.blk rumah pn still mood x berapa kena
its a pair of a sad eyes
I know there are people who can identify a sad eyes
and yes..I'm having it right now
Good:tomorrow will be better
Bad:but what if its not?
Good:then u say it again tomorrow.because it might never know right?at some point tomorrow will be better

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I hate that feeling-when the last thing you want to do is cry in front of someone,but the tears won't stop feels like they burn your pride with each drop

I'm done with the surat mohon pertukaran
Its not easy to even start writing it
Next stage mengadap bos utk approval
pagi ni mengadap 2 of my colleague
I've told them the news.regarding my decision to ask for transfer
said sorry and ask for their understanding since I feels drowning already
kalau x bgtau pn dorg akan tau since dema la jgk yg uruskn nanti
it just utk mengelakkan kekecohan
Ya Allah..mohon dipermudahkn
I need my job to keep me sane

On the other hand...I've cancel my date for this friday
sampai bile nk hanyut
cukup2 la rase lemas utk satu perkara
My heart can't take 2 messy things at the same time
so..I'm back to the market ha3
honestly,rase penat sgt
Ya Allah..pls let the next one is the one.Ameen

Monday, November 14, 2011

last week was a great,tuhan maha adil
hari ni menangis kat ofis.
I've admitted kadang2 aku bg justification pasal tindak tanduk n my feelings at the current.
Its true that I don't like my current task.but my negetive perception doesn't help at all
hari ni nangis sbb sedar I didn't do my job that well (like I used to do)
kecewa dgn diri sendiri n takut abah kecewa dgn hana
so its leading to reminiscence moments with arwah abah
it never hurts any less;it just hurts less often

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

I lost hope towards people nowadays
Kalau sesama kita dah x boleh menegur then what's the use?
People are talking about youngster yg dah x boleh ditegur
Ape bezanya org dewasa?
I lost hope.I'm sorry

Thursday, November 03, 2011


forgot to mention
I'm officially bossless

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

this is crap!I hate myself acting this way

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

tgk blk markah lnpt for the past 3 years.
aku sedey..
sedey bl tgk dpt ke aku markah mcm tu lps ni
1st year 87.20
2nd year 89.07
3rd year 90.00
thn ni?sedih la..