Friday, January 03, 2014


i was cooking in the kitchen when few other come in and join the crowd.
at that moment, i was playing my playlist on speaker and when i want to put it down, they ask to just let it be so they can sing along since it was playing one of his favourite song.
and i got caught up with my cooking, lupa nak off.

tiba2, mamat sorg ni ckp
'you know, we can tell a lot about a person from their playlist'
aku diam.

a bit terkejut
mostly because, i know its true
peoples' musical preferences can be a good indicators of their personality
what a person listened to could tell a lot about who they are

dah tiba2 jadi sesi menganalisa aku pulak mamat bertiga tu.

i just kept smiling, didn't saying a words
'sorry, do you feel offended?'

'nope.i just do not want to say whether its true or not.but i would like to keep hearing what people might think of me from my playlist.'

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