Sunday, March 02, 2014


Na-jung: Impressive dreams are those that defy family and rise above one’s situation. But most of us can’t bear to step on the ones we love, and in the bitter end we take it upon ourselves to lay down our own dreams. But it’s okay. There’s no need to be discouraged by the dramatic sweat of success or swayed by a setback or the feeling that you lost. To us, people were simply just as important as dreams. The decision to change myself for the people I love—is a pretty impressive thing.
reply 1994 ep 14

Sometimes achieving dreams require you to be selfish, and to put yourself before others.
When you are on your way to achieve your dreams, are you sure that no one gets hurt?
Not all dreams are so pretty.
It’s sounds nice that you are defying all odds, but perhaps it’s just glossing over all the less pretty things along the way.
Maybe while you are on the way up, you have already trampled on some people’s hopes and dreams along the way.

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