Wednesday, July 29, 2009

i always say dat i know wat am i doing tapi betol ke aku tau!?

curik gambar iza
bunyi mcm seyes je
sbnarnyer idak la sgt pun

slalu jer jadi bende nih

hana slalu rase hn berada ni situasi
'the potential on being d other women'
nak ckp kronik idak la pun
since most of the time i realized it in d very beginning
at the initial stage

at the age of 25 (almost 26 in few more mths)
it makes me wonder

sampai bile
sampai bile aku nak lari
on each time when i realize there is potential on me being the other women
i run
i ran
im running

kalo d other party tu someone else's husband
harus la aku lari kan!?

wat if, he is not
not a husband
but someene else's man
or boyfriend
sud i snatch him

bukan la nk ckp aku ni baik sgt pun
it just that ive seen d damaged done
so as a senses human with two legged and alive
aku tercongak2 la jugak
seboleh mungkin mintak la dijauhkan sgt2

but, d guy seems so promising
he's not prefect
but he do have d quality dat im looking into for my other half

esen ini kedengaran sgt mushy mushy

mesti aku malu nk bace blk dikemudian hari

it just make me thinking
arent i suppose to fight for love
to fight for my happines
was it appropriate to hurt other's women heart in order to let me hepi

ok rase awkward da
i do sense something fishy
in d way he look@me
hana bukan stakat perasan ok
seram ok

he dont even know d other side of me
u wont like me if u do
ya Allah tentukan yg terbaik utk hana

p/s:kalo cam gini gayanyer
betol la kot x kawen aku nih
nak anak wei~~!


iza kushari said...

curik gambar? aku kena copyright nih. just testing if I can drop a comment, and making sure you read this post again. hehe..u must loathe this so much- somehow made my day. Chill, girl.. my believe is what's the heart tells. heart can change. be it yours or his. So it's the same thing. itu sebab kahwin pun boleh cerai. We mere ppl, just have to take our chances.

hANa said...
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hANa said...

sume la
anthing dat can bring d same meaning.

aku masih cube bertahan.kalo x same mcm aku langgar prinsip aku.
I do not want to give up on my values or morals (yet..)
yg mgkn nk buat aku rase mcm nk, selagi aku masih bley bernafas, aku xnak dekat.even on d idea itself

aku nk lari~~~~