Thursday, August 13, 2009

i looks like a panda and hardly waking up where no amount of cuppa Joe would shake my system to boot up

i have no idea wat to blog or watsoever

1. around this time last year, i am blinded by love, so i hate myself now

2. i want to eat a good nice ice cream. be it baskin robin or new zealand natural. but its not even 30th or 31st. so any ice-cream is good.
we all need all the help we can get when that bad mood swings in

3. i also want a nice hair-cut.i luv to have the samba lion king hair

4. ooo over the age of 25

5. and i think mischa barton is hot btw. so as james mcavoy.
just my another split personality. kejap gay anothr moment straight

6. people are jealous of me. koz i'm beautiful, have long legs and i know cat steven

7. first person in my received call list was my ex. some guy who broke my heart.
but i always caved in koz i'm a perpetual idiot at large.ihatchu

8. and the last text message i received say "hai sayang, bila kita nak kawin ni, i tak sabar nak tunggu u lahirkan anak-anak i"
yes... im in delusional

9. I doubt i EVER going to get married. so im trying to do mitosis so that i can reproduce myself like amoeba. but it's quite an impossible thing to do. so, sperm donor here i come!!!!

10. koz i don't want to get hurt unnecessarily


Radin Hairi said...

makan icecream choc, the choc will help to reduce stress and the sweetness in there will get u hyper...

see, instant hiper-happy :P

hANa said...

x sempat carik
sempat telan peanut bar terpikir nk buat stok icecream byk2 since skrg byk masalah gule.who knows dorg naikkn harge icecream sama.
aku cube bertindak bijak