Friday, August 06, 2010

aku benci...

1. samantha brown
mcm cilakak bergirang gumbira seny0m2 kerang busuk.
how on earth she's able to do that kind of thing while im trap in this crappy job!!??
da la tu, shes being paid for travelling
nak kata hot kat mata aku mane yg hotnye
ko tido dgn producer ape?

ke...ko yg kaya produce program sendri

tak kisah la.yg penting aku benci ko

2.john mayer
for being able to put into words whats in people's mind but dont bother to make a sentence out of it
kalo aku jantan ade muke kayak itu, sore mcm gitu, me also can afford to be a playboy
besar la kemungkinan anak haram aku merata2
naseb aku tak jadi john mayer

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