Thursday, October 29, 2009

its thursday(batek day) and am freaking cold!!!

semlm je 2 kali kaki aku tempat khatulistiwa farhana.

pastu mood aku rase nak amuk
bende2 kecik pun aku rase nk naek angin
mcm biase la.i blame my hormones
woman people woman

waaa...was depressed.then something nice happen,gumbira,come new thing,damn depress balik.
rase mcm nak ddk rumah goyang2 membesarkan perot
dang...cuti lak xdak.aku da ambek in advance utk ujung tahun
naseb la sape kawen mase tu confirm aku x pegi
bukan takat x pegi.hadiah pun aku x nak hulur

da nak november nih..haih..benci betol aku bile x sengaja reflect blk my years
to make myself clear umor aku 26 okeh tahun nih
and my original birth date is on 18th november every year

kena bagi bold sebab kadang2 lupe lagipun aku kenal je org sambut besday 4thn by right sbnrnyer he just 6yrs old.lar....skolah pun belom.patut la x matang

Life has been so effing simple, i mean not simple, simple, but you know. The life i have is I work. I exercise(walla..athletic tuh). I go home. I see my four walls. I sleep. I dream. I wake up. The cycle continues.

And mcm biase,because of my dumbness, i've neglected people that i actually care unintentionally and care about everybody else instead of a friend of mine.manusia..manusia..mcm mane la nak ubah diri aku nih

da tu gaji berzaman lagi nak msk.monthly komitmen da bayor
1. budi : checked
2. tepon : checked
3. duit umah : checked
4. umah iza : okt checked nov belum
but then,daily expenses n etc2 x masuk aku ade hutang 3riban kat kdt kad.wallawei.....bile nak g tabung aji kuar duit nih

Tahun ni aku dapat bonus 15 tahun. Korang ada? Hahahaha. (in my dreams)
Bye. Aku macam nak meroyan jap.


irdhi_hayati said...

sejuk tu bagus..good for you...
kerajaan dah bg ko free practice for winter nnt hehehehe.
btw, aku yg duk kg nih pun dh tgk kalendar bile gaji nk masuk...ko yg duk bandar aku rs lagi lah pulak...huuhuhu

hANa said...

aku kuis2 mane yg patut la dayah..dok kg pun expenses punyer cite lebey krg jek. beza kat minyak la xpe.ade org nak naek pangkat tanggung hidop aku.miahahaaa